When I was pregnant I became almost obsessed with researching reusable nappies. I loved the prints, I loved that they were environmentally friendly and I especially loved the fact they would save us money in the long run.
After much deliberation I purchased several different birth to potty nappies which we have been using since Little J was 6 weeks old. On the whole I love them and cant imagine using disposables. I wont deny they can be hard work but once you get your own system in place it just becomes part of the routine. And it is all worth it when you tell someone you use washable nappies - their face is usually one of admiration or disgust!
Here are a few questions I am frequently asked:
How many nappies do you have?
I have 15 reusable nappies in total which are all birth to potty. I have a variety of makes from Bumgenius to totsbots and even some cheap ones from eBay. This number seems to suit our routine well.
What sort of nappies are they?
I chose birth to potty as they seemed to be the best value for money. I have a couple of all in ones, 8 pocket nappies and 5 fitted nappies with a wrap. All the terminology can be confusing so do your research first (I've recommended some websites below) to see what suits. I find different nappies are good for different things. I always plump for fitted nappies with a wrap for long car journeys as they absolutely never leak for us. The pocket nappies dry really quickly (overnight hung in the kitchen) and the all in ones are compact and are great for popping in the change bag when you are going out.
How much do they cost?
They can vary vastly but if you buy in bulk and take advantage of offers then I usually pay around £10 for a nappy. The cheap ones from eBay cost about £4 each but I got these to top up my stash. While they work well at the moment they don't appear to be as hard wearing as the other ones.
Dont forget many local councils give you money to use them. I got a £25 cheque when I spent £50 or more on washable nappies. All I had to do was send a copy of the receipt.
How often do you wash and dry them?
I wash them twice a week. I usually do a rinse first with a dash of tea tree oil then a 60deg wash. They don't smell at all when they come out. A few of them have a few stains that don't come out but as long as they are clean I don't mind - who sees the inside of a nappy anyway?
Whenever possible I dry them on the line. However, in reality and this being the wettest year EVER, I have two peg racks (which I think are for socks and underwear) which I hang in the kitchen or living room. No, they don't look great and I do try and move them if we are having visitors.
Would I do it again?
YES! Plus the more you use them the cheaper they get! Or you can still get a good price for used nappies on eBay.
Where can I find out more info about reusable nappies?
The Nappy Lady - Great advice. Check out her videos, they tell you everything you need to know!
Go Real - Loads of info and links to local sellers.
Reusable nappies can be addictive - you have been warned!
If anyone has any questions about reusable nappies just leave a comment and I'll do my best to answer them.
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