I'm in the midst of my CIM exams this week and the laptop has been out of action so I'm a bit late on the Apprentice update! I didn't manage to hold out until Thursday night to find out who was fired (grrrr - Thank you very much Handbag.com - on their homepage!). I loved the shopping channel task last year and this years didn't disappoint! As much as I don't like Debra (I'll never forgive her for being rude to Nick!) she did do a cracking job of selling those ridiculous scarf-things!
Episode 10
Surallen didn't need his trusty aides this week as he watched it all for himself! However, for her appearance on 'Your Fired' the award goes to Margaret this week
Winner - Margaret
Total: Nick 5: 4 Margaret
Can't wait for tonight - the interview episode is always great! Anyone remember the reverse pterodactyl??
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