We are still getting to know the candidates. Some of them have hardly had any airtime at all making it difficult to gauge at this point who the winners are likely to be. This made my choosing of my fantasy apprentice team at work even harder! (in the end I chose Kate, Philip, Ben and Paula - Paula was a last minute addition because I liked her hair).
Anyway onto the important stuff:
Episode 2
Winner - Nick
Again we saw very little of Nick and Marge. Nick just managed to edge it for me this week with his comment about the boys with spotty backs in togas and his winning performance on The Apprentice: You're Fired. Although Margaret had a very strong performance especially the shot with her head in her hands!
Total: Nick 1: 1 Margaret
Love it - I cringed at that comment!
ReplyDeleteSome of them are soooo annoying - can't wait for them to be fired.. James for one!