Monday, 8 September 2008

Progress - week one

Week one on the 101 in 1001 challenge and things are progressing well.

# 36 - Start using washable make up pads - stop using cotton wool which can't be recycled!
I purchased some organic cotton squares and have started using them and have dumped the cotton wool. I am VERY impressed, I didn't think they would remove make up as well as traditional cotton wool but have been pleasantly surprised with the results. Best of all once all 10 pads are dirty you can pop them in the washing machine and you can use them over again!

# 14 - Make jam
I made jam at the weekend using the blackberries picked from near our house and some bramley apple (not grown by me but purchased from the co-op!). The whole process what really easy, just heat the blackberries and apples and then pour in the jam sugar. Sterilising the jam jars was a scary experience - putting them in the oven at 130 degrees, I was convinced they were going to explode! Had it on toast for my breakfast this morning and I can say that it is yummy!

In progress
Lots of the other items on the list are in progress e.g. buying Sunday newspapers and knitting the blanket but these are long term projects so I need to stick with them.

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